Organising The Train The Facilitator Conference

Almost 50 bright minds from around the continent gather in Europe's heart. Is it a meeting of a European Parliament working group? Is it a high-level consultation of the European Council and their advisors? Or perhaps a pristine summit organised by one of the many NGOs in Brussels? While the third option is perhaps the closest thing to reality, it still falls woefully short of describing the phenomenal event, the 2nd edition of the ROLE Train the Facilitators (TtF) Conference in Brussels.

The ROLE Campaign is a beloved hallmark of ELSA's activities, aiming to empower future generations with knowledge and understanding of the rule of law and its pivotal importance in contemporary society. Under the mantra of being run "by students and for students", the Campaign - a continuously evolving project - features ambitious young law students from across Europe visiting high schools in their countries to facilitate an understanding of the rule of law. The TtF Conference served as the platform for honing the art of non-formal education and collectively "training the trainers" who will later coordinate the ROLE Campaign in their respective countries.

Describing the TtF Conference in a few words is a rather Herculean task, for there is no shortage of adjectives that describe just how fulfilling it was to be part of it. As part of the Organising Committee, I shaped this Conference into reality - and what a reality it was! Four days of enriching discussions, training, and collaborations were made all the more merrier by the palpable enthusiasm of participants from 18 different countries.

My ELSA experience has been limited to being the (busy) BEE - yet it was incredibly refreshing to see in action the wonders of AA.

What really left a lasting impression was the dedication displayed by all of the participants in designing their lessons and their immense receptiveness to feedback afterwards. Quite frankly, I envy the high school students who - unlike me - will get the chance to be visited by these stars and learn about the Rule of Law in such a fun and interactive manner.

But that wasn't all: apart from a productive Conference, we managed to explore the charm of Brussels and its vibrant nightlife, tour the ELSA House (some amusing anecdotes included), and make friends and memories aplenty.

Nostalgia and gratitude are certainly some of the more overpowering emotions I am awash with. Uncanny, how ELSA has this ability to make one feel home away from home.

Anas A. Qazi

Member of the OC, Director for BEE Academy at the ELSA International Team


Empowering the Next Generation of ROLE Facilitators: Reflections from ELSA's Train the Facilitators Conference


Non-Formal Education and Rule Of Law