Empowering the Next Generation of ROLE Facilitators: Reflections from ELSA's Train the Facilitators Conference

From the 29th of February until the 3rd of March 2024, over 50 law students and young lawyers from over 15 different European countries got together in Brussels with the joint mission of shaping the next generation of Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Trainers and helping improve facilitation skills! During the four days of the ELSA Train the Facilitators Conference for the Rule of Law Education Programme, participants and facilitators were immersed in learning, collaboration, and personal growth. The conference served as a cornerstone in the quest to shape the future of legal education, thus reaffirming ELSA’s commitment towards raising awareness about the rule of law among law students and young lawyers while educating pupils about its importance. 

I was fortunate enough to participate as a Trainer of the International Trainers’ Pool of ELSA in this remarkable gathering, with the added perspective of a former ROLE facilitator myself. In a nutshell, I was a facilitator for the soon-to-be facilitators. I had the honour of working alongside other skilled trainers and excellent facilitators, most of whom had previously been involved in ROLE in one capacity or another. 

The conference's central mission was to empower participants to serve as ROLE Trainers, tasked with educating high school students about the rule of law and its principles. Through workshops, engaging discussions, hands-on activities and the opportunity to practice their delivery, participants refined their abilities to communicate complex legal concepts in an accessible and compelling manner. This quite intensive program was designed to equip them with the tools and knowledge needed to adequately facilitate interactive lessons about the rule of law to pupils, lead discussions and moderate debates while also building up their confidence and a strong support system upon which they can rely. 

Accordingly, beyond acquiring and polishing all the necessary skills, the conference fostered a sense of community and collaboration. The diversity of perspectives and experiences brought forth enriching discussions, highlighting the transformative power of collective action in advancing the rule of law. If I had to choose one word to describe the conference, it would be effervescent. The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by the participants were palpable, and the devotion to the project's success as a whole of facilitators and organisers alike was genuinely inspiring and infectious.

Reflecting on the experience, it is evident that the Train the Facilitators Conference was not merely an event but a catalyst for meaningful change. Each participant emerged as a skilled facilitator and an agent of progress, inspiring and educating future generations on the importance of upholding justice and equality under the law. As we look ahead, I believe the impact of the conference reverberates far beyond its duration. The seeds of knowledge and inspiration planted during those four days will continue to flourish, hopefully influencing legal education and advocacy efforts across Europe for years to come.

In closing, I extend heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the success of this transformative event. Even as a trainer, every moment was a learning opportunity, and I am immensely thankful to have been part of this conference. The sense of community and inclusivity at ELSA gatherings never fails to inspire. Together, we have laid the foundation for a brighter future guided by the principles of justice, integrity, and the rule of law. 

Anca-Ana Sampetrean


Rule of Law: Train the Facilitators Conference


Organising The Train The Facilitator Conference