Strengthening Data Protection: Insights from the European Data Protection Day Event

The recent European Data Protection Day event held on January 26, 2024, at Hotel Solun in Skopje, marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of enhancing data protection measures. Organized through a collaborative effort between the European Law Students’ Association of North Macedonia and the Macedonian and the Young Lawyers Association, the event served as a platform to address the pressing issues surrounding personal data security in the digital age. This project event is implemented also by the Centre for Legal Researches and Analyses, financed by the European Union. Key stakeholders, including government officials, legal experts, and young activists, convened to share insights and strategies for fortifying data privacy frameworks. The event featured remarkable presentations by distinguished speakers, each offering unique perspectives and solutions to the challenges posed by the evolving digital landscape.

Among the notable speakers were:

  • Mr. David Geer, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia;

  • Mr. Imer Aliu, the Director of the Personal Data Protection Agency;

  • Mrs. Natasha Gaber Damjanovska, the Director of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors;

  • Mrs. Lidija Stojkova Zafirovska, the Chair of the Executive Board, Centre for Legal Research and Analysis;

  • Mrs. Aleksandra Cvetanovska, the President of the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association;

  • Mrs. Emes Savoia Keleti, the Data Protection Officer, European External Action Service;

  • Mrs. Elena Mujoska Trpevska, Legal Expert;

  • Mrs. Irena Bojadzievska, Data Protection Expert;

  • Mrs. Eva Sukhrada Kirshmaer, Judge at the Federal Administrative Court in Austria;

  • Mr. Aleksandar Godjo, Legal Expert;

  • Mrs. Slobodanka Slavkovska, Head of the Department and Chief Supervisor at the Personal Data Protection Agency;

  • Maja Uzhevska, President of European Law Students’ Association of North Macedonia;

  • Ivan Durgutov, Young European Ambassador;

  • Elica Matevska, Young European Ambassador;

  • Sara Markovska, Young Activist from the Centre for Legal Research and Analysis / Macedonian Young Lawyers Association.

Their contributions underscored the imperative need for collaborative efforts between government entities and civil society to uphold data protection standards. Furthermore, the event served as a catalyst for future collaborations and initiatives aimed at strengthening data protection frameworks. ELSA North Macedonia reaffirmed its commitment to promoting awareness and facilitating dialogue on data privacy issues among students and young legal professionals. Moving forward, ELSA North Macedonia will continue its proactive engagement with stakeholders to address the evolving challenges in data protection. Through a series of intensive events and partnerships with other organizations, the aim is to foster a comprehensive approach to data privacy that transcends borders and empowers individuals to assert their rights in the digital sphere. Our president, Maja Uzhevska, concluded in the name of students of our Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus, that this we have shown as knowledge, we are ready to share with the others students from all the faculties. At the event, a crucial part was played by a campaign for digital privacy created by 15 young activists with the unique name "Privacy is Priceless" (, where one of the activists, Sara Markovska, emphasized the importance of this topic. Their campaign message emphasizes the fact that while an elephant remembers for years, the internet remembers forever, urging everyone to be more careful and think before posting anything.

In conclusion, the European Data Protection Day event was not only a testament to the growing importance of data privacy but also a testament to the collective resolve to uphold fundamental rights in an increasingly interconnected world. By fostering collaboration and dialogue, we can pave the way for a more secure and privacy-respecting digital future.

Maja Uzhevska

President of ELSA North Macedonia

Pamela Pavlovska

Treasurer of ELSA North Macedonia


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