Institutional Visit to Prague

Elsa Lublin and Elsa Łódź would like to take you on a trip full of adventures, featuring the course of our Institutional Visit to Prague, which took place from the 20th to the 23rd of April 2023. Initially, our experience started with the idea of organising a Study Visit to ELSA Czech Republic in cooperation with another Local Group of ELSA Poland - ELSA Łódź (also known as ELSA Boat). Unfortunately, all of the Local Groups of ELSA Czech Republic had already planned Study Visits with other National Groups of ELSA, so we had to find another option. We came up with the idea of organizing an Institutional Visit to Prague since members of both Local Groups of ELSA Poland were interested in visiting the Czech Republic. Then the planning began…

The Organizing Committee, led by the main coordinator of the Institutional Visit, managed to organize a visit to the Central and Eastern European Law Initiative Institute. The CEELI Institute is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the rule of law worldwide in order to protect fundamental rights and individual liberties, promote transparent, incorruptible, and accountable governments, lay the foundation for economic opportunity and growth, and encourage the peaceful resolution of disputes. The member of the leadership staff, Director of Programs - Marek Svoboda, conducted a lecture for the 55 participants about the work of the CEELI Institute, the support provided to legal professionals in general, and the prospects for lawyers in nongovernmental organizations focusing on the rule of law. There was also time for questions, which concerned relevant aspects of the rule of law in Poland and other European countries.

The main and most important aim of the trip was to visit a foreign city, allowing us to go sightseeing and educate ourselves about the rule of law, which is highly relevant to our future. Our Institutional Visit was organized to combine academic activities with a social program. We had the opportunity to socialize every day during sightseeing and evening trips to local restaurants and bars. We hope that all the participants had a great time during this trip and were able to forget about the responsibilities that awaited us in Poland.


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