Echoes of Strasbourg: A Moot Court Journey in Human Rights Law

When it comes to describing the Helga Pedersen MCC, you cannot really describe it with words; you have to experience it on your own, together with your team.

A testimonial

Our participation last year was something that shaped us. We started as law students that had little experience with the ECHR to a team that delved into Mr Kramer's case, submitted written submissions and made it up to the Final Oral Round, having the chance to compete with so many well prepared teams and meeting so many new, kind and qualified people, with whom we shared the same passion: our love for the Convention and the competition. Without a doubt, the highlight of our participation was the experience of Strasbourg, that we were fortunate enough to experience along with the 17 other finalists. We are now more educated, more confident, in general better lawyers and speakers, with so many valuable new memories and friends. We recommend this moot court to everyone sharing a passion for human rights law.

Kind regards,

Runner-up team of the 11th Edition of HPMCC-National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Institutional Visit to the Hague: Kosovo Specialist Chambers and International Criminal Court


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