A card from a diary: Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition Regional Round in Wroclaw

Hi everyone! I wanted to take a minute of your time to tell you about the Regional Round Wrocław of the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition. The event took place virtually and lasted for three days, from 25th to 27th of March 2022. It was the third (and last) virtual qualification round of the 10th edition of Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition (formerly: European Human Rights Moot Court Competition). 24 human rights and public international law specialists took part in the event judging the performances of almost 20 teams from universities all over Europe! But let’s start from the beginning:

The Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition Regional Round in Wrocław was a project that we (as a Local Group) have all been waiting for, it was the highlight of the term for us. The Organising Committee consisted of almost 20 people form ELSA Wrocław, who worked tirelessly to ensure that everything - from Opening to Closing Ceremonies - was buttoned up to the last detail.

We began working in October 2021 by creating an OC, dividing tasks, setting deadlines and looking for partners. Initially we were planning to host the rounds physically in Wrocław. However, in January, after weeks of monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Wrocław and Europe, together with the International Board, we decided to carry out the event in the online format. Having settled that up, we focused our efforts on the backside of the event. We continued contacting potential judges and speakers for the Academic Programme, training the timekeepers, creating an agenda, brainstorming ideas and preparing online social programme etc.

Then on the 25th of March came the day marking the beginning of the Regional Round Wrocław. On the first day we started with hosting the online reception for the participants. Then together with VP AA - Samira, we opened the event and drew pairs in which the teams then competed. Next we proceeded with the Sponsors’ Fair, during which we heard a presentation from a representative of the Bailiffs Chamber in Wrocław - main partner of our event. 

After the Sponsors’ Fair we invited everyone to the Academic Programme, which consisted of the lecture on ‘LGBT+ rights in Europe in relation to ECHR jurisprudence” by Karolina Gierdal, renowned Polish ECHR human rights lawyer and lgbtq+ activist. 

For the next 1,5 days we stayed laser-focused while making sure that everything falls into place, from the teams and judges making it to the online pleading rooms to thoroughly timekeeping each of the speeches and entertaining the participants during social programmes. 

After two days of increased effort, in the evening of March 27th, we hosted the Closing Ceremony. During the ceremony we heard closing speeches and Samira announced best oralist, best applicant and respondent teams thus concluding the event. 

To sum up this experience I would say, that even despite the fact that the workload was substantial, the preparations took a lot of time and consumed a lot of energy, in the end it was all worth it because we learned a lot about organising international competitions, met with human rights professionals, got to know students form all around Europe and created lasting memories as well as closer friendships within our own Local Group. I think I can speak for all of us involved in the Regional Rounds that if we had to decide to do it all over again, we most certainly would!

Maciej Łodziński,
President of ELSA Wrocław 21/22, Head of OC of the HPMCC RR Wrocław



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