Shaping Tomorrow: A Journey of Impact with the ROLE Project and TtF Conference

Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Throughout my life, this quote has inspired me to take action and make a positive impact in whatever I do and wherever I go. I have always believed that studying law is more than just weighty books, long hours in the library, passing exams and becoming a lawyer. The important thing is how you make your law studies matter. How do I make it matter?

In February, thanks to the ROLE (Rule of Law Education) Project run by ELSA Netherlands, I had the opportunity to facilitate lessons at the International School of Amsterdam, where I and my peers taught high school students about the rule of law. Learning about the rule of law is a key issue for high school students. It helps them understand the core principles that shape our community. By fostering a strong appreciation for justice and fairness, we encourage students to become engaged citizens who uphold these values in their daily lives. It has been very rewarding to see the impact of this project on young minds and it has strengthened my commitment to continue contributing to legal education initiatives.

The ROLE project is not only beneficial for the students but also for us, the law students. Between 29 February and 3 March 2024, like-minded people with similar missions gathered in Brussels for the Train the Facilitators (TtF) Conference organized by ELSA International. To see people coming from all over the world to have an impact on ROLE was invaluable. I am proud to be one of them! At the conference, we learned how to take our facilitation skills to the next level through training sessions aimed at strengthening our public speaking skills, incorporating interactive techniques, and participating in mock facilitation sessions, among other valuable exercises.

In essence, the ROLE Project and the TtF Conference have fuelled my passion for legal education and advocacy and reminded me of the profound impact we can have when we embrace Gandhi's timeless wisdom and actively strive to be the change we wish to see in the world.

Let's keep ROLEing!

Gonca Huseynzade
ELSA Utrecht


Interview with the Participant of the Train the Facilitators Coference 2024


Rule of Law: Train the Facilitators Conference